About Hebrew text Using Michigan-Claremont ASCII text, the initial Hebrew version of this Tanakh was created by Varda Graphics in 1998 to match the primary textual witness, the so-called Leningrad Codex, and indirectly Biblia Hebraica Stutgartensia (BHS) which bases itself on it. Since then the text has significantly evolved by incorporating thousands of corrections suggested to Varda Graphics' by its own employees, editors of the United Bible Society, David Stein--during Varda Graphics' typesetting of the JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh,--and, more recently, by computer-comparison done by the late Rabbi Mordechai Breuer during his work on Keter Yerushalaim (these results have been only partially incorporated so far as the work on them continues). During its preparation, the Hebrew text was reformatted in line with requirements of the Jewish law. About English translationOriginally published in 1917 by the Jewish Publication Society of Philadelphia, this translation is used here because:
From translators: ". . . A translation destined for the people can follow only one text, and that must be the traditional. Nevertheless a translator is not a transcriber of the text. His principal function is to make the Hebrew intelligible. Faithful though he must be to the Hebrew idiom, he will nevertheless be forced by the genius of the English language to use circumlocution, to add a word or two, to alter the sequence of words, and the like. In general, our rule has been that, where the word or words added are implied in the Hebrew construction, no device is used to mark the addition; where, on the other hand, the addition is not at once to be inferred from the original wording and yet seems necessary for the understanding, it has been enclosed in brackets. Naturally opinion will differ as to what may be deemed an addition warranted by the Hebrew construction and what may not, but as intelligibility was the principal aim, the Editors have felt justified in making their additions, sparingly it is true, but nevertheless as often as the occasion required. We have thought it proper to limit the margin to the shortest compass, confining it to such elucidation of and references to the literal meaning as are absolutely necessary for making the translation intelligible. The Rabbis enumerate eighteen instances in which the scribes consciously altered the text. We have called attention to a change of this nature in Judges xviii. 30. Personal pronouns referring to the Deity have been capitalized. As an aid to clearness direct discourse has been indicated by quotation marks. In the prophetical writings, where the speech of the prophet imperceptibly glides into the words of the Deity, and in the legal portions of the Pentateuch, it has been thought best to use quotation marks sparingly. Although the spelling of proper names in the English Bible in many instances deviates somewhat from an accurate representation of the Hebrew, it has nevertheless been deemed wise, owing to the familiarity of Hebrew names in their usual English form, generally to retain the current spelling." Highlights of Electronic Edition In this edition Hebrew text was set first. Thus typesetters had "to play" with line spacing in English translation column to match two languages. In all cases however, all English translation's styles and paragraph breaks have been preserved or indicated using "/" slashes. Made in Adobe"s Portable Document Format (PDF), this edition retains most of the benefits of its hardcopy counterpart while adding the rich functionality that comes along with this approach. Having all fonts embedded, allows one to work with complex Biblical Hebrew text without having to worry about their absence on a computer. A reader can copy text as an image and paste it into some other document or email it without being concerned with the issue of availability of fonts at the other end. Navigation and Interactivity Like previously issued versions of Tanakh (e.g. Tanakh: Interactive Hebrew Bible), this edition is also prepared to work interactively with many of the commentaries and reference books available from eBookShuk.com. This Tanakh has been programmed to accept references from any book published by any publisher which has been properly prepared. What it means is when you use another electronic book, i.e. Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew English Lexicon and click on any Biblical reference there, the referred to place will appear in a separate window.
OTHER BENEFITS OF THIS ELECTRONIC EDITION English Classic Jewish authoritative translation of Hebrew scripture reflecting not only the findings of academic biblical scholarship, archaeological research, comparative Semitics and linguistic analysis, but also traditional Jewish understanding of the underlying text. The translation includes English headers identifying biblical book, verse, and weekly portion (for Torah, the first five books of the Bible).Search Automated search in English translation for specific names, words or phrases throughout the entire Bible or on any given page. All search features outlined below requires the use of free Acrobat 5.0 or higher with Search function.
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